- Added a debug logs page that shows AbleSet’s internal logs in real time
- Added record buttons to the Max for Live controller
- Added support for displaying remaining song time when overriding the time from the start locator of a song
- Fixed song and section colors being wrong sometimes in the setlist view
- Fixed track-level
attribute for lyrics with images not working properly - Fixed issues with MIDI controllers that send a Note On with 0 velocity instead of a Note Off message
- Added more logging around the connection to PRODIGY/ANDIAMO devices
You can download this beta here:
Mac: https://ableset.app/download/mac/2.8.0-beta.9
Mac (ARM): https://ableset.app/download/mac-arm64/2.8.0-beta.9
Win: https://ableset.app/download/win/2.8.0-beta.9