AbleSet 2.8.0-beta.9

  • Added a debug logs page that shows AbleSet’s internal logs in real time
  • Added record buttons to the Max for Live controller
  • Added support for displaying remaining song time when overriding the time from the start locator of a song
  • Fixed song and section colors being wrong sometimes in the setlist view
  • Fixed track-level [scroll] attribute for lyrics with images not working properly
  • Fixed issues with MIDI controllers that send a Note On with 0 velocity instead of a Note Off message
  • Added more logging around the connection to PRODIGY/ANDIAMO devices

You can download this beta here:
Mac (ARM):


Thank you so much for adding the record functions to the M4L device!
For some reason I can’t quite figure out, I’m not able to MIDI map my controller to the device’s buttons.

Hey @agustinvolpe, thank you for reporting this!

It seems like I came across a limitation with Max for Live here. When you enable a button for MIDI mapping, Live also records all input as automation, which means as soon as you press the “record on” button, Live will enable automation for it and record the button press as automation, which leads to unwanted behavior, as shown in the video:

I tried to disable this, but it seems like that also disabled all forms of MIDI mapping for the buttons. Not sure if it’s possible to solve this. Would it be possible for you to use AbleSet’s built-in MIDI mapping as an alternative to the Max for Live controller?

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Hey Leo!
That’s totally fine, thank you for taking the time to investigate this!
I’ll stick to the AbleSet built-in MIDI mapping.
Thanks again!