Hi Leo!
Thank you for your work
I would like to import one looong png that would scale for its width and slowly moves upwards with speed based on the lenght of the clip in +LYRICS track… That way the musician always see the next line.
Or… have setting like: for last x bars of the “[img:…]” clip the image starts rolling upward and the next one appears…
This is a really cool idea if it’s possible.
Hey @Jan_Slawinski and @iamderkis,
I just released a new beta that introduces a new [scroll]
attribute you can assign to image clips or lyrics tracks to make images fill the entire width of the browser and scroll along with the playhead.
You can download it here: AbleSet 2.8.0-beta.8
There might still be some small issues here, but I’d love to hear what you think of this!
Awesome! I cannot wait to try it out!
wow! Thank you very much for such quick response… For me personally this feature is a game-changer!
Minor issus: I found out that the scrolling stops & the image darkens when loop is enabled and playhead is in the loop area. I believe that it wouldn’t be a problem in short loop if just the image stayed fully bright. The issue would be problematic with the longer loop though.
Also right now I am little worried about songs with changing bpm, but that can be worked out with formating scores to reflect this. Now I in the process of implementing 80 scores in 18 “lyrics” tracks for the whole orchestra, so I suppose there will be some more feedback from me soon