I like the Performance View Section Cue “>>” (Quick links) feature, which adds icons on the screen (with the section name, like “Chorus”), and upon hitting the icon (assuming the transport is moving) that “quick” section will play next.
Yet a common on-stage goal is to avoid touching a Screen, so I am pondering how these “>>” Quick section links (per song), could be mapped via midi.
Since every song will have its own unique different “>>” sections to quick-link to (one song may need “verse 2” “chorus 2” and “outtro”, but another song would need a completely different set of “>>” quick links.) So, I assume since these quick links / icons are unique per song, cannot be MIDI mapped…so a solution requires some other approach (right?)
So my current design employs a “Quik1” “Quik2”…“Quik5” naming abbreviation (for up to 5 quick links per song), and these “quik abbreviations” are appended to any existing (ie, “Chorus” or “Verse”) section name. And then used with the OSC command “/setlist/jumpToSection Quik3 TRUE” (which jumps to the section in the current song whose Section name INCLUDES the phrase “Quik3”…).
This works nicely, with the only 3 basic maintenance requirements: (1) addend the terms “Quik1” thru (if needed, up to) “Quik5” to the specific unique Section names, per song (ie, >> Chorus2 Quik3), and, (2) insert an Ableton “Locator” at the start of any “Quick link” sections, and, (3) add “>>” to a section name (but this is only required if a reminder icon is needed/wanted on the Performance screen).
So thanks for reading this far. I would be interested in feedback about this solution / suggested alternative approaches. Seems it is solid so far.
Yet, with this solution, or any “quick link” solution (including the “>>>” JumpSection CUE Ableset functionality), there is the challenge of how to always have an accurate “Guide CUE”. In other words, with the great flexility/power to jump all over a song, creates a puzzle on how to get the right GUIDE CUE via automation. Thoughts? Ideas?
btw, on a related GUIDE CUE topic, I have added a Feature Request (url below) for “>>>” (automated jumps), floating a solution perhaps similar to +GUIDE / +LOOPGUIDE, where perhaps Ableset would create a +JUMPGUIDE track. (or some such solution)
Thanks (and happy new year)