AbleSet on iPhone 6

I’m trying to access AbleSet on an iPhone 6 running iOS 12.5.7 and it doesn’t seem to be working. It’s just showing the circles but never turns over. Is the device just too old?


Thanks for reporting this! I’d recommend using iOS 14 or newer for AbleSet, but I’ll see if I can make the app work on older versions as well.

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Thanks Leo! I love AbleSet.

Today I faced the same using iPad Air 1, running also IOS 12.5.7… Safari seems not capable to load the window properly. Would be really great if there is a chance to fix this, as this old hardware is still running fine and perfect for this kind of application.

I think I just found a fix for this and will include it in the next beta for you to test.

I’ve just released AbleSet 2.5.0-beta.2 which should fix compatibility with older iOS versions. As with all beta versions, I’d recommend not using it on stage, but if you’d like to try it out anyway, I’d love to get your feedback on it!

Hi Leo,

Unfortunately neither 2.5.0 beta2 nor beta3 fixed it for my ipad air 1. It still shows me the browser page loading forever, whereas on my phone it is working fine.

Hey @mcbuchi,

Thank you for your feedback! I just released a new beta, AbleSet 2.5.0-beta.4, which should solve this issue for good. Could you let me know if it works on your end as well?

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Hello Leo, now it is working fine for iPad Air 1 as well. Thank you so much.

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Hello! I am using Ableset 2.6.7. Is that possible to let it support the old iOS devices as well? Thanks!

What version of iOS are your devices running? I’ll see what I can do :slight_smile: